Abortion Stigma Around the Globe: A Qualitative Synthesis

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abortionstigmaby K. Latourneau
(for Inroads, the International Network for the Reduction of Abortion Discrimination and Stigma)

Resource (global), 36 pages
Publisher: Ipas, March 2016
ISBN: 1-933095-90-3
Download from: inroads  (also available in French and Spanish)

This resource paints a picture of how stigma appears in different geographic regions, and across the different levels of the ecological model. The authors specifically examined peer-reviewed articles that addressed abortion stigma, employed qualitative methods, and reported thematic findings on abortion stigma. They found that stigma, not surprisingly, is socially constructed, culturally and socially embedded and is influenced by social and cultural mores. Without cultural norm transformation, stigma continues to manifest in multiple ways, across a variety of contexts.